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Marine Center >> Technical Programs
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The category of courses is specific to technical programs, including industrial controls, PLC, fluid power, and electronics. Please contact us at the website ( or 231-995-2500 if you have a specific technical requirement or programs not found here.

Please click on the course title to see the full course description.

If you have questions, please provide us with the course title and date when e-mailing or calling.
Prelicensure Education Course for Residential Builder and Maintenance & Alteration Contractor Applicants Participants will learn the skills nee ...  View More

Schedule : Weekly - Mon 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM; 16 sessions; starting 1/13/2025, ending 4/28/2025

Cost: $999.00

Instructor : Devin Hill 

Location: Parsons Stulen Building Location : 
  Parsons Stulen Building.

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The Fluid Power course is designed to provide students with the skills to manipulate and create fluid power connectors and conductors. As part of this ...  View More

Schedule : Weekly - Tue 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM; 15 sessions; starting 1/14/2025, ending 4/29/2025 ; Class Skip Dates : (No class on 3/25/2025)

Cost: $395.00

Instructor : Hollianne McHugh 

Please read: Materials and fees will include a IFPA ...More

Location: Parsons Stulen Building Location : 
  Parsons Stulen Building.

Please call (231) 995-1700 to register
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