Teaching with UsWe're always looking for enthusiastic instructors to lead classes. Do you have the skills and desire to teach? Turn your passion into opportunity! Teaching with NMC Extended Education & TrainingWe are always offering new classes on a wide variety of topics that are of interest to the community. Please include the following when submitting a course proposal:
Fill out our Course Proposal Form for Adult Community Classes HERE
Email Extended Education with questions or contact the appropriate Program Manager: Abdul-Karim, Christa: Culinary, Global, Wellness, Writing, Language & Culture, Coffee Chats, Yoga Jackson, Kristy: Northern Naturalist, Creative Arts, Dance, Recreation, Home & Hobby, Fitness, Youth Programs Matchett, Laura: GRASP, SCECHs, New Community Partnerships Sonnabend, Elizabeth: Business, Financial Planning, Technology, Professional Development New to teaching for NMC Extended Education & Training?Click on the My Profile link in the left menu to see your profile. (If you're a current Extended Education student, make sure to log into your Instructor profile, not Student.)